Yesterday I was a guest at the Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council’s annual meeting. (Thanks, IBM!) One of the panels was a terrific round-up of the CEOs and founders from four local innovation stars: iRobot, CSN Stores, Carbonite and TripAdvisor, moderated by Scott Kirsner of the Boston Globe. Good conversation and discussion of upcoming hiring from the four companies (all told, probably over a 1000 hires coming this year from the group). I particularly liked it when the CEOs asked each […]
Getting Started and Building a Twitter Following
This morning The Boston Globe published Scott Kirsner‘s 10 Tips for Attracting a Following on Twitter. Recommended reading for my social media marketing students — several of the folks quoted are ones I spend time with in person and on Twitter. I’ve been asked previously to publish my tips (I usually give these to my classes as a handout.) So, here they are — warning, it’s a long long list, and it is focused on people who are just getting […]
The New Power of the Press
Last night I attended a dinner organized by local Innovation Economy “catalyst” Scott Kirsner, columnist for the Boston Globe. (You can read about the dinner itself on my other blog on Mass Innovation Nights. Since this is my blog for PR and Marketing people, I’ll look at the evening from a different perspective.)
The Bad Part of Mouthing Off in Public Late at Night…
Where Did All the Staff Reporters Go?
Reading the physical paper is a vastly different experience than reading the same stories online. Not saying it is better — just different. And that difference told a very interesting story at the Boston Globe recently. One way reading a physical paper is different from reading online is being able to see at a glance all the stories on a page — and not just the headlines and the links, but the whole story, bylines and all. In this case, […]