Today (Saturday, March 3, 2012) the Microsoft NERD is playing host to a big crowd of entrepreneurs taking advantage of an Internet Marketing Boot Camp. The event, organized by our friends at Boston SEO Experts, is a free event and offers presentations on Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing and Public Relations, and then a series of workshops.
Mass Innovation Nights – NERD style
Last night marked Mass Innovation Night’s 35th event (one more and it turns 3!) and this one, like the many before, was an evening full of networking and creating buzz about local innovation! The Microsoft NERD Center hosted last night’s event and gave guests a direct view of Boston’s shimmering skyline. There was a great turnout and a lot of excitement generated about the ten companies featured! People were continuing to file in as the presentation began. The top four […]
Opportunistic Public Relations: The Super Bowl Edition
SEO and Press Release Basics
How to Create a Media Alert
New Year Resolutions – or Not!
I’m not a big fan of New Year Resolutions. What’s the point, really? You sit and think about all of the things you wish you did better the previous 365 days and then promise yourself you’ll fix them in the next 365 days. Doesn’t sound very healthy to me to jump on the “I promise to do better at…” bandwagon. What I do enjoy in the New Year is planning out new goals and commitments for the coming 12 months. […]
Seriously folks: Serious marketing for serious people
Or, conversely, funny marketing for funny people? Last week I participated in a pitch contest event run by The Capital Network. Like most pitch events, most of the startup entrepreneurs were there for the connections and not really interested in the $100 gift card and bottles of wine prizes. (Although nice…) But one entrepreneur took the pitch to a whole different level with a song he composed and sang himself. Amusing and well done, it didn’t land him in the […]
The Secret Sauce
Every PR and Marketing firm has their own secret sauce. Their own special way of doing things. I was recently told that part of our secret sauce is that we ask really good questions. As part of the initial “getting to know you” process, we ask a lot of questions as we prepare to represent a company. And while this list may look long, this isn’t exhaustive.
So You Want a Job in Marketing…
We recently started looking for some additional team members. As usual, I was simultaneously excited and appalled at the response. I want to hire the best and brightest. I want to feel the passion, excitement and enthusiasm rolling off the candidate in waves. After a few hours of wading through the resumes, I often start to feel that I should focus on getting someone who takes the time to actually read the job description and respond in a semi-coherent manner. […]