Our founder created Mass Innovation Nights initially as a way to drive foot traffic to the Charles River
Museum of Industry and Innovation in Waltham, and to create a new “community” for the museum
with local entrepreneurs. By offering a free product launch party, she enticed product marketers to
jointly create a popup event where networkers and social media savvy folks could congregate (instant event.) The location benefits from the social media visibility and foot traffic.
The grass roots style events bring together social media mavens and marketers with new products.
Over the past 13 years, we have helped to launch 1500+ new products, generated thousands of blog posts,
tweets, status updates, Likes, posted video and pictures online and have created a thriving community
with more than 30,000 active participants. The events are responsible for bringing together partners, vendors and getting companies funded – $4b in funding collectively. Over the years, the events have become an important part of the startup community and how local companies gather community support. Each event, held monthly, has a host/sponsor who receives visibility for their role, a hashtag, a roundup blog post, prizes and more.
More than 1500 companies have launched new products with Innovation Nights
17K+ innovation-minded people follow @MassInno on Twitter.
A “Tiger team” of 100 highly motivated individuals belong to the MIN “Gaggle”. (We use a tool
called GaggleAMP to increase our reach.) These individuals sign up to retweet, Like and post on
anything we send to them. This has been an important part of our reach – driving almost 3 million views a month.
Since the events started, MIN companies have raised +$4 billion in VC and angel investments.
Companies such as Autodesk, Verizon, Comcast, Google, The Boston Globe, IBM, Microsoft,
MassChallenge, The Deshpande Foundation, VMWare, ProfitBricks, Carbonite, American
Airlines, Hyperion Law, Progress Software and others have sponsored or hosted events