Preface: I’ve been living and working in the Boston region for 30 years now. A native upstate New Yorker, I’ve now spent far more time in Boston than in the place I think of as my hometown. Even though I spent the first decade renting, and hopping around the region, I have now lived in my home here longer than the house I grew up in. Recently, our partners from Washington, 1776 (we worked with them on the Boston Challenge […]
Mass Innovation Nights – NERD style
Last night marked Mass Innovation Night’s 35th event (one more and it turns 3!) and this one, like the many before, was an evening full of networking and creating buzz about local innovation! The Microsoft NERD Center hosted last night’s event and gave guests a direct view of Boston’s shimmering skyline. There was a great turnout and a lot of excitement generated about the ten companies featured! People were continuing to file in as the presentation began. The top four […]
Networking for a Cause
Way back in May, our farthest-flung Mass Innovation Nights (MassInno or #MIN) visitor was from Colorado. The June event? A little closer to home but still a plane ride away, Chicago. Mark J. Carter was in town for a week of networking and tweet-ups and managed to squeeze us into his Wednesday. But let’s talk about his event on Thursday. Networking for a Cause is primarily directed to young professionals interested in connecting with and helping nonprofits. Although not a […]