Last week we sent Carlton PR & Marketing social media manager Elise off to the Social Media Marketing World Conference.
Secrets from the First Social Media Marketing World Conference
By Elise V. Englander (@elise29)
The first Social Media Marketing World (#SMMW13) conference was held in San Diego last week. Imagine over 1100 social media enthusiasts from all over the world in one location. The place was buzzing!
This was a conference where it was not considered rude to tweet during presentations, but it was actually encouraged. One speaker scheduled a tweet during her presentation for a lucky person to win a prize for shouting out “I love social media!”
Favorite Things
Another speaker sang a funny, original song: “Least Favorite Things,” which leads to a list of my 10 favorite things (takeaways) from the conference:
- The more you give, the more you get
- Care more, listen more, love more, give more
- Create magic moments
- Content is king, but engagement is queen and rules the house
- The golden rule of blogging: They ask, you answer
- Be genuine, be yourself
- Write what you are passionate about
- Focus less on selling more, focus on teaching more
- Make your web site responsive – mobility is the trend
- Humans buy from humans – word of mouth reputation is the most important
My Least Favorite Things – Rebecca Corliss (@repcor) and Phil Mershon (@Phil_Mershon) team up to create a fun spoof on the ways people use and misuse social media.