When was the last time you Googled yourself? Or took a walk through your own online profiles? Or went through your own website? Maybe it is time.
What Happens in Vegas
What happens in Vegas doesn’t stay in Vegas if you choose to share all the gory details. There’s been plenty written on maintaining a professional image online. Dozens, probably hundreds, of articles urge young people to think about how their social media profile stacks up when a potential employer looks at what’s available online. But what if you are hiring people to represent your company online through social media?
PageRank for Dummies: 9 Deceptively Easy SEO Tricks
This week I’ve been busy putting together various marketing plans for 2010. My simple nine-step action plan for increasing PageRank for one site is a lot more work than it sounds like. Can you spot the steps that will require practically full-time resources? Morale of the story: SEO, it’s real work.
TGIFriday’s Fan Woody Fail
Ford Tweetup – Lessons Learned
This week Jeff Cutler (@jeffcutler) and Christine Koh (@bostonmamas) were the oh-so-gracious hosts for the Boston #fordtaurus Tweetup (see the new Ford Taurus SHO and drive it!) The local event was part of a grand tour (The Summer of Taurus) for the new cars, pairing the vehicles in different cities with local Twitterati/bloggers and a (semi-random) Ford executive. (Boston’s event brought Corporate Counsel David Leitch out from Detroit.) There were lots of interesting PR, Social Media, events and business lessons […]