This week I’ve been busy putting together various marketing plans for 2010. My simple nine-step action plan for increasing PageRank for one site is a lot more work than it sounds like. Can you spot the steps that will require practically full-time resources? Morale of the story: SEO, it’s real work.
- Start a blog, post 3-4 times a week. (check)
- Add an RSS feed to the site.
- Increase activity in the social media arena. Create a Twitter account and a Facebook fan page, use it to talk with customers (not at them), link to news articles and to your content. (check)
- Put buttons or links on your site so people can easily find you on social media sites. Ask employees to add website links to their social media accounts and when they sign up for events.
- Update or add company profile in online directories. Send out “press” releases. Make sure to include website links. (check)
- Buy relevant domain names and create satellite sites for in-depth content. Link them to SEO’ed landing pages on main site. (check)
- Check website analytics daily to see what’s working, and what isn’t. (check)
- Conduct weekly and monthly content reviews: delete any duplicate content, update pages with new keywords, add new content, archive but don’t delete old content. (check)
- Troll the blog-o-sphere and leave valuable comments (and your link) on relevant blogs. (check)