Picture this — a great conversation with a new client. Wonderful meeting of the minds. They think you’re so “innovative” and “creative.” Cough. Not really. You’re faking it.
Today’s Marketing Cookie: An Example of Win-Win Marketing
Like most marketers, I am constantly on the lookout for and appreciate fine marketing wherever I see it. I love it when I see genius reflected in someone’s marketing tactics or strategies. I love to see entertaining and informative marketing programs, well-written copy, great images. They make me happy. Sound like a fortune cookie? It should — we’re talking about Today’s Marketing Cookie.
Are You Making Marketing Hard? (Iced Tea)
That’s Not Marketing
Yesterday I was a guest at the Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council’s annual meeting. (Thanks, IBM!) One of the panels was a terrific round-up of the CEOs and founders from four local innovation stars: iRobot, CSN Stores, Carbonite and TripAdvisor, moderated by Scott Kirsner of the Boston Globe. Good conversation and discussion of upcoming hiring from the four companies (all told, probably over a 1000 hires coming this year from the group). I particularly liked it when the CEOs asked each […]
Factors when measuring social media
If you happen to live in America, chances are you were aware of the big Super Bowl game on Sunday. If you were on Twitter during the Super Bowl, you may have been aware of Brand Bowl (#brandbowl) – a movement fueled by social media enthusiasts who tweet their opinions on the TV ads that air during the Super Bowl. (Brand Bowl is a partnership among Mullen, Radian6 and Boston.com) What was derived from all that tweeting was the best […]
How Others See Us
Who Are Your People?
Local entrepreneur and innovator Bill Warner is an important resource for startups in the Boston market. He blogs, tweets and speaks on topics of interest to the young startups. One of Bill Warner’s queries from his presentation about How to Build Your Startup from the Heart has taken on new meaning for me lately. One of the questions he asks is “Who are your people — the people for whom you invent or create?”
What Happens in Vegas
What happens in Vegas doesn’t stay in Vegas if you choose to share all the gory details. There’s been plenty written on maintaining a professional image online. Dozens, probably hundreds, of articles urge young people to think about how their social media profile stacks up when a potential employer looks at what’s available online. But what if you are hiring people to represent your company online through social media?
The Relationship Between PR and Marketing
Reading for Inspiration
I spent a couple of hours yesterday hanging out in Harvard Square waiting for my older son to finish a Boy Scout merit badge “camp.” I did what I usually do when I have time on my hands, headed for the bookstore. (In this case, the Harvard Coop.) I had a list of books that I have been meaning to pick up and random browsing in a bookstore is one of my favorite hobbies — not an inexpensive hobby. I […]