Part of our job is to play Social Media Guru for our clients. As such, we watch LinkedIn closely — this is the top professional social networking tool and an important tool for many of our professional services clients. LinkedIn often tinkers with its existing features and provides new functionality frequently. (They also take stuff away, witness the recent folding of LinkedIn Answers, and less recent loss of their events function.)
Are you part of the LinkedIn 1 Percent?
LinkedIn Skills and Expertise Endorsements
Some of you may have already received emails telling you one of your LinkedIn connections has “endorsed” you or you may have also noticed that when you visit a connection’s page on LinkedIn, you are given the option of endorsing them for either their chosen skills or for another skill you think they have.
How to Send Tweets to LinkedIn Now that Twitter and LinkedIn Aren’t Connected
If you had previously connected your LinkedIn and Twitter accounts and relied on Tweets to populate your LinkedIn statuses, you have probably already noticed (or read the LinkedIn email informing you) that after two years, Twitter has cut the cord and Tweets no longer appear on LinkedIn. (Previously, you could easily set up your accounts to do this.)