Mass Innovation Nights- Pizza, IZZE and Plenty of Innovation

Jen Kaye is a PR, marketing and social media professional. At Carlton PR and Marketing, Jen specializes in using both traditional and social media marketing techniques to gain coverage and spread awareness for companies and their products.  Can you believe last week was the 40th Mass Innovation Night on the books? Age sure isn’t slowing the event down as the IBM Innovation Center in Waltham was abuzz with excitement surrounding the local innovation on display. As always there was a great […]

Blogging and Habits. Craigslist and Kayaks.

We often suggest that clients have 3 months of blog content teed up and ready to go before they go live with a blog.  We “test” blogging readiness with micro-blogging platforms like Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn.  If you can keep those going, you have a better chance at keeping a blog alive.  Like plants and puppies, blogs need constant love and attention to keep growing and thriving.

When Things Go Bad

I have a problem and I need your help.  As the co-founder of Innovation Nights, a blogger and avid Twitterer (almost 5000 followers on just my personal account, almost 6000 on @MassInno and I manage several others), I frequently make the invite list for some very cool things.  (“Where’s the problem?” You say.)  Here’s the problem: sometimes, things go bad.

Innovation Leaders Forum

Ugh.  I’m at another event/conference today: the Innovation Leaders Forum (#ILF2012) presented by Imaginatik and hosted by Fidelity.  (Note: Imaginatik is also blogging today — check out their blog.)  And late at night, last night, I was horrified at the thought of another day not being able to focus on getting work done.  My to do list is monstrous. I owe a dozen people phone calls and deadlines are looming.  I thought about cancelling. I’ve been working far into the […]

Internet Marketing Boot Camp

Today (Saturday, March 3, 2012) the Microsoft NERD is playing host to a big crowd of entrepreneurs taking advantage of an Internet Marketing Boot Camp.  The event, organized by our friends at Boston SEO Experts, is a free event and offers presentations on Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing and Public Relations, and then a series of workshops.

Mass Innovation Nights – NERD style

Last night marked Mass Innovation Night’s 35th event (one more and it turns 3!) and this one, like the many before, was an evening full of networking and creating buzz about local innovation! The Microsoft NERD Center hosted last night’s event and gave guests a direct view of Boston’s shimmering skyline. There was a great turnout and a lot of excitement generated about the ten companies featured! People were continuing to file in as the presentation began. The top four […]

SEO and Press Release Basics

We’ve written about press releases and Search Engine Optimization before but we’ve had some questions on the topic lately.  You know we frequently recommend press releases which have been optimized.  Here are some basics: