Rest assured email is alive and well

For years I’ve supported and encouraged inbound marketing efforts, as I’ve seen with my own eyes the benefits of community, engagement, and reciprocation of great content. Channels have opened up to allow businesses to effectively reach their target markets without slaying the marketing budget with big spends like TV and magazine ads.

SIIA’s NetGain – a look at content and technology

As a marketer, content is the new black. OK, content for a marketer has always been the new black – brochures, advertisements, radio spots, billboards, flyers have all be based on messaging and information (i.e. content). But what has clearly changed over the past decade or so is the way in which content is created and disseminated. While there is still a place for whitepapers, brochures and email campaigns for some businesses, there is also a place for Facebook posts, […]

Will a Product Trial Work for You?

Sampling and free trials are a marketing programs staple, especially for consumables.  The hope is that you’ll like whatever it is enough to come back and buy it.  Free samples are also wonderful when you’ve done something so different that it is hard to describe or get people to understand the difference between what you have and the ordinary product.

Sentiment Symposium 2011 – A Marketer’s View

I had the good fortune of being involved with the 2nd Annual Sentiment Analysis Symposium in New York on April 12. This event, hosted and chaired by Seth Grimes of Alta Plana, brings together the users, creators and providers of sentiment technology to discuss trends and share real-world implementation of sentiment analysis.

Creating a New Tagline

Last week was tagline week.  Not only did we add a tagline to (coming soon, really) but we had more than one client ask us about creating a tagline.  And each one got a different answer.

That’s Not Marketing

Yesterday I was a guest at the Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council’s annual meeting.  (Thanks, IBM!)  One of the panels was a terrific round-up of the CEOs and founders from four local innovation stars: iRobot, CSN Stores, Carbonite and TripAdvisor, moderated by Scott Kirsner of the Boston Globe.  Good conversation and discussion of upcoming hiring from the four companies (all told, probably over a 1000 hires coming this year from the group).  I particularly liked it when the CEOs asked each […]

Factors when measuring social media

If you happen to live in America, chances are you were aware of the big Super Bowl game on Sunday. If you were on Twitter during the Super Bowl, you may have been aware of Brand Bowl (#brandbowl) – a movement fueled by social media enthusiasts who tweet their opinions on the TV ads that air during the Super Bowl.  (Brand Bowl is a partnership among Mullen, Radian6 and  What was derived from all that tweeting was the best […]

Content Creation for Everyone

Content Creation for Everyone Not everyone is a Writer with a capital W.  Not everyone can easily take the information in their heads and turn it into words on paper.  But often people who don’t think of themselves as writers have wonderful information and knowledge that could and should be shared with others.  An article or blog post can be one way to do that.   We frequently work with companies and individuals who have wonderful knowledge “trapped between two ears.”  […]